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Essential workers are Trade Workers

If we have learned anything in the COVID-19 pandemic, it is certainly that nothing is certain! Stay at home orders and shutdowns prevented many from pursuing their careers.

The trades never shut down! Want job security? The licensed Fuel Gas trade, plumbing, and welding tradesmen worked right through the pandemic. Check out Advanced Trade School training opportunities. You can train daytime or evenings. You can keep your job while training in Fuel Gas, plumbing and welding trades. Costs are not prohibitive and payment plans exist.

Not satisfied with spending a ton of cash on an online college education that you may not use but will leave you in debt? Try the licensed Fuel Gas training program which qualifies you to work in the propane and natural gas job fields. Want to check out welding? Evening courses give you a chance to get 20 hours of welding experience. Go to today to start your path to an essential career.

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